Ordinary Teacher

What's on page 47?

| Monday, December 24, 2007


Just got back from my routine day out in KL. As usual in the afternoon I had lunch at the Redbox Ria Karaoke center at Sogo KL. But this time I've decided to rush with my friend to Berjaya Time Square to catch the latest movie, the sequel to the 2004 National Treasure, National Treasure : Book of Secret, starring my favourite actor, Nicolas Cage. I'm so excited over watching this movie, especially after enjoying so much the first one.

The movie casts almost every original line of actors. The director also came back strong with new storyline. This movie never seems to stop to amaze me with all the clues and possibilities that relates to the real historical facts and real locations which involves mostly historical places in the United States.

Mainly the Treasure hunt began when Ben Gates [Nicolas Cage] embarks on a quest to clean his family's name from being associated with the assassination of US President, Abraham Lincoln, by finding the Lost City of Gold.

Nicolas Cage as Ben Gates

Need to know more, I suggest that you go see this movie for yourself. Satisfaction guaranteed. It is more like Tomb Raider if you ask me...but much realistic clues and puzzles. However there are certain things that don't make sense like breaking into Buckingham Palace and even kidnapping the President himself seems far fetched if you ask me. Entertaining nonetheless.

About the title. So what about it? What's on page 47 in the President's Secret Book? It was the question ringing in my head after watching the movie. Ben Gates said it would be a life altering. I supposed that there will definitely be a National Treasure 3 to answer this question...damn you Jon Turteltaub [Director] for making me anxious to wait for another sequel. Huhuhu...

Other than that I had so much fun spending time today in KL. I just love spending precious time doing something so much fun. Hope to do some more in the future. Until then take care now bye bye then.

3 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

CS WUZ ERE...da tgk NT 1, memang best giler..tak sabar nak tgk NT2

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.

Anonymous said...
