Ordinary Teacher


| Monday, May 11, 2009


It's 2 in the morning and tomorrow is the registration day for the new session of matriculation of 09/10 intake. And yet I am still not asleep. I am afraid I am suffering from insomnia again. I am recently distracted by my personal problems. This is totally out of my hands. Only time will tell whether I would be able to survive or recover this tsunami of problems. All I can say is that I am very unaware of the problem that heavily burden me. It came all of a sudden. I certainly did not see it coming. Within a week, everything changes. This sudden change has taken its toll on me. And I must say it came at the wrong time where my mental is totally unstable due to my transfer of workplace. I did not know that a transfer is very hard. All those years of hard work has now come to its end. The end. Finished. I guess I was too blind to see it coming. I guess I am an idealist. I assume everything is fine and wham it hits me right when I'm not looking. Even writing this long entry could not make me feel sleepy, not even a bit. Anger, frustration all roll into one in this episode. To all my friends, I wish them all the best in whatever they do. I am just a stint in their memories. Sooner or later they will soon bear with the idea I am no longer around. Oh heck, maybe they won't remember me at all. To readers, I might not post any more entry in this near future. At least until I achieve that equilibrium state of mind. At that time, I will decide whether this blog stays alive or buried dead. Thank you for your support all this time. I really appreciate it. Adios

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