Ordinary Teacher


| Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I was appointed as the committee member of Documentation unit for Quality day next week. Since then, I was offered to join basic course on photography which was held at Kolej Komuniti Jasin, Melaka. There was 14 of us who attended course on last Sunday.

This was the first time I was given the job as photographer by the college. And this is the first time I am going to handle a SLR (Single Lens Reflex) ~ I only knew this term during the course...hehehe. Obviously those who are not professional tend to buy SLR cameras but set the camera to auto setting, but it is more than just that. I learn how to make good photo just by doing few adjustments manually. I thoroughly enjoy the whole course. These are samples of photo taken by myself during that day.

Not bad eh...should take up photography as a hobby...but it is a very expensive hobby. Hope that one day someone might give it to me as a present maybe (dream on...hehehe)

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

slr beshhh2!!!i wish i cud hv it one day...eh abg ednel pn org ley bg ar, kawen cpt2 pastu soh ur "future-wife" bg kt hantaran, uhuuu...juz kiddin =) take care ya =) miss ya =)

budak_kecik (skrg dh jd budak gemok =( het that!!!